We all have a picture in our minds of what the future of our marriage will be.

That picture is shaped by our family, culture, and religion.  Each member of the relationship rarely share the same vision and that’s ok. Sometimes you can identify what you don’t want for your future more easily than what you do. One of the goals of getting pre-marital counseling is to understand the stories we bring into the marriage and how they have shaped our vision for the future.  The ultimate goal is not to choose whose vision wins, but instead to help you begin to see a third vision than can only be lived together.  

Relationship Counseling

Getting premarital counseling, marriage counseling, or couples counseling can be helpful in understanding the stories and experiences that have shaped our vision for the future. A skilled relationship therapist can help couples identify their differences and work through them in a safe and non-judgmental space. The goal of counseling is not to choose whose vision wins but to help couples see a third vision that can only be lived together.

Premarital counseling, in particular, can help couples understand their expectations, identify areas of conflict, and develop healthy communication skills. It can also help couples identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop strategies to overcome challenges together, creating a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. The goal of counseling is to provide a safe space where couples can communicate effectively, gain insight into their relationship, and work towards a shared vision of the future.

Building Trust

 Marriage counseling, couples counseling, and premarital counseling can help couples understand their own stories and how they have impacted their lives, beliefs, and values. Knowing these stories is essential to building trust and intimacy in marriage, as it allows each partner to share their vulnerabilities and understand each other's perspectives.

With the help of a skilled relationship therapist, couples can uncover their own stories and understand their partner's story before embarking on this new journey as a joined couple. At Kardia Collective, we aim to help couples provide a strong foundation for their relationship.


Know your story and create a clear path for the future by communicating what you both want your marriage to be. Our pre-marital program includes more than 7.5 hours of individualized counseling. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about what we can do for you and your partner.

 At Kardia Collective, we understand the importance of building a strong foundation for your marriage. Our pre-marital program is designed to help couples get to know each other and create a clear path for their future.

Let us help you and your partner build the marriage of your dreams. Contact our team today to learn more about our pre-marital program and how we can help you.